Testing read of pretty weird array input names. This tool is designed to create auto numbered indexes if no index is provided. If multiple equal keys exist, values will be overriden in dom order.

Testing write of pretty weird array input names.

Testing read toJson() of all existing input types.

Testing write fromJson() of all existing input types.

Testing read toJson() with files callback. To test this with manual user input, you have to choose the test-file.gif from this directory for both single and multiple file inputs. After choosing both the test must turn green again.


Testing option "includeDisabled".

Testing option "uncheckedValue".

Testing option "includeButtonValues".

Testing option "inputFilter" for read and write.

Testing option "flatList" on write

Testing option "flatList" on read

Testing option "skipEmpty"

Testing option "arrayify".

Testing option "clearOthers"

Testing option "triggerChangeEvent"

Testing form clear

Testing form reset

Testing form reset2

Testing issue https://github.com/brainfoolong/form-data-json/issues/9

Testing issue https://github.com/brainfoolong/form-data-json/issues/13

Testing issue https://github.com/brainfoolong/form-data-json/issues/15

Testing issue https://github.com/brainfoolong/form-data-json/issues/13#issuecomment-927836476

Testing issue https://github.com/brainfoolong/form-data-json/issues/16#issuecomment-928159217

Testing issue https://github.com/brainfoolong/form-data-json/issues/16#issuecomment-928941989

Testing issue https://github.com/brainfoolong/form-data-json/issues/18

Testing to not throw errors when using invalid setValues

Testing issue https://github.com/brainfoolong/form-data-json/issues/25

Testing issue https://github.com/brainfoolong/form-data-json/issues/35

Email1 SMS1 Letter1 Email2 SMS2 Letter2